Yes, it is if you want to be successful. Marketing points your business activities in the right direction. Without direction and a plan to get to the goal line, your chances of success will certainly be limited. Marketing is a process by which a business creates interest for their goods and services. If you cannot create interest for your goods and/or your services, you are truly doomed to fail.
Marketing a Start-Up Business:

Is marketing important for a new start up business? Nothing is more important for a start-up business than to have a solid and grounded marketing plan and strategy. This strategy does not have to be expensive to be successful. For a simple marketing plan, some common sense and basic knowledge of making your target audience interested in your business, is all you need to get started. Simple strategies are often times more successful than a complicated strategy that is too detailed and realistically unattainable.
Is marketing important for all businesses? Yes, it is important for all businesses. Every business needs a plan to create interest for the products and/or the services that they are offering. This process should include simple things like business name, hours of operation, business colors, and logo. I’m sure this sounds obvious, but you would be surprised how many new businesses don’t include them in their plan or think they are necessary to make public.
Other Avenues:
Word of mouth marketing is a wonderful thing; however, it can take many years to survive on this plan alone. Should you join the local Chamber of Commerce? Should you join local networking groups? Do you need a store front? Do you need a website? Do you need to advertise in local publications? These are just a few of the things that need thoughtful consideration to have a successful business.
Why is marketing important for my start up business? A start up business is just that, “a start-up”. Therefore, no one knows you are in business and consequently cannot take advantage and purchase your products and/or services. Every business benefits from marketing. As your products and/or services change, new ones added, old ones removed, continued marketing keeps your target audience informed and interested.
Starting to get the picture? Creating interest in you and your business is the whole purpose of developing a marketing plan. Once that is achieved you will be in a position to sell your products and/or services. And isn’t that what you would like to do? Selling products or services is usually the purpose of starting and maintaining a business. I’m sure that what you would like to do as well! If you need help, contact us at your convenience for a FREE consultation.
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