Website SEO is not only still important, it is essential if you want your website to show up in SERP (search engine results pages). When an internet visitor uses a search engine and searches for a specific product or service, they expect to find quality suggestions and recommendations to review. One Billion websites exist on the internet. That means you have approximately a one in one billion chance of being found by an internet visitor. Those are not very good odds to be found. Hence, website SEO grows in importance as more websites become available throughout the internet world.

SEO Importance
SEO is so important that if you don’t optimize your website, you shouldn’t have one. It is just that simple. A website without SEO is clearly a waste of money, time, and space. Don’t waste those things because they are all too hard to come by. Your business deserves the best opportunity to work for you. Without search engine optimization your website is helpless and impotent. It cannot function properly and will rarely be found in an organic search for your category of products or services. Only a direct search for your website will generate attention. Unfortunately, not enough people know you or your business. And that spells awful results with an underperforming product and service potential.
Website owners for the most part have a product or service that they want the world to be aware of. Once the awareness problem is solved these same website owners generally want those products or services to be ordered or purchased. Some websites can be set up in an online store format and handle the transaction as well as being informational. One stop shopping so to speak. Ecommerce websites have grown in number throughout the internet and expectations indicate no slowing in that trend. Fewer store fronts or brick and mortar businesses are being started with the acceptance of online shopping by the general public worldwide. The successful online business owners of today understand that website SEO is not only important it is mandatory. Without it the possibility for success is nearly non-existent.
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