SEO – What is it? SEO is an acronym and stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization is having correct content on website pages. Google and the other search engines require certain attributes on each website page so they can compare them to other website pages with similar content. This similar content is the key factor used by all of the search engines. They then rank those pages in order of their interpretation of each website pages importance. Plumbing pages are ranked against other plumbing pages. Dentist pages are ranked against other dentist pages. Marketing pages are ranked against other marketing pages, so on and so forth. I think you get the idea.
If you are looking for a landscape architect in Cypress, TX, simply type into your Internet’s search bar Landscape Architect in Cypress Texas. The results of that search will be based upon website pages that have content relative to landscape architects located in Cypress, Texas.
SEO – What Is It? Attributes for Website Pages to be Ranked.

- Outbound Links – Have at least one link to another website page on another website.
- Internal Links – Have ay least one link to another page on this website.
- Images – Include images or videos on this website page.
- Total number of words – Use at least 300 words on each website page.
- Keyword or Key Phrase – Identify the keyword or key phrase for each website page. Only use this keyword or key phrase one time on this website. Similar keywords and key phrases are okay.
- Provide a Meta Description for this website page.
- Keyword Density – Use the key word about 3% of the total number of words. Don’t over use the keyword. Search Engines will punish that tactic.
- Use Sub-headings with Keyword.
These are just some of the protocols that Google and the other search engines like to see on pages. They reward adherence to their requests and punish those who ignore them. It’s up to you, however if you want your content to be viewed by others then it would be wise to conform. The fact that these search engines control what website pages they show as the results of an internet search should be enough to convince you to conform. If you have any questions regarding SEO contact us at your convenience.
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