Top website marketing tips are Not secrets known only to special SEO & Marketing Companies who are friends with Google and the other Search Engines. These tips or “Best Practices” for getting your website found by internet visitors are actually simple suggestions by the search engines to help them decide how to rank website pages effectively. Each website page is ranked individually. Most folks think the entire website ranks equally. It doesn’t. Page by page your website is ranked by the search engines. And rightly so. Some websites have a few terrific pages stuffed in between some okay pages and even have a few not so good pages within the website as well. It is just a fact.
Webpage Ranking
A highly ranked website page will always show in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) above lower ranked pages. Therefore, it is obvious that you should want your website pages to be ranked as highly as possible. Only 10 organic pages will be shown on any single page of the SERP. However, 14 pages or 16 pages may show after advertised pages are included. You can buy your way onto page 1 if you want to make the advertising investment. Unless your website is an income source, advertising is probably not a consideration. Nevertheless, if you want to be found online you must use money or internet page rankings to achieve that desired result.
Experimenting with your search requests will help you find what you are actually looking for almost always. Each of your website pages should feature a precise topic, key word or key phrase. If you limit it to a single topic Google and the other search engines will reward you with higher rankings. Knowing this, makes it easier to develop quality website pages.
Top Website Marketing Tips Made Easy;
- Title Tag – Your page title tag should include your selected key words. In this case “Great Arkansas Golf Resorts” are our keys words and therefore, should be the page title or the main part of the page title.
- Content – make your pages and posts content relative to the subject of your website as a whole and the website page title. Quality of content is premier when it comes to website page ranking. If your page title is “Great Arkansas Golf Resorts”, provide content that is about Great Golf Resorts in Arkansas. Don’t talk about golf resorts outside of Arkansas except as a comparison. Arkansas Golf Resorts are better and here is why. Pricing, reservations, accommodations, & course descriptions are all suitable things to point out to your readers. Pictures would be recommended as well. I think you get the idea.
- Key Words – It is important to notify the search engines what the key words are for this page. Forgetting to do this is a huge mistake. In this case the key
words are “Great Arkansas Golf Resorts”.
- Images – colorful and inviting pictures are great and each one needs an 1) alt tag, 2) title tag, & 3) description tag. Each tag needs the selected key words within these tags. In this case “Great Arkansas Golf Resorts”
- Outbound Links – Add a few outbound links maybe to the recommended resorts that you are discussing within your page content.
- Content Length – Make sure that you include enough quality content about your page title. A minimum of 400 total words should be found on this page.
- Key Word Frequency – Use your key words at least 1.5% of the total words used. Do Not use the key words more than 2.5% of the total words. Google in particular Does Not like the over usage of key words.
These top marketing tips are easy to accomplish and requires only a few minutes to include within your website page. Very few website pages are structured correctly for high page ranking. So, if you just do these top website marketing tips you will be far ahead of most of your competition. If you want really high page rankings, there are other things to consider. Contact Us for some additional Do’s and Don’ts for Top Website Marketing.
Select Mkt says
Great, thank you!
manzia says
great resources
keep it up! ! !
Select Mkt says
Great! We’re glad this is helpful. Come back.
sabrina says
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Select Mkt says
You are welcome. Glad you found the article valuable.
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Thanks for sharing such a valuable information