This blog will attempt to answer the question “Who is Google?” Most businesses within the civilized world have a website. These websites are located on the Internet. We as internet users elected Google as our search engine of choice. They are currently responsible for 92% of all Internet Searches. Bing and Yahoo make up the next 6% of Internet Searches. The other 100 plus search engines all fight over the remaining 2%. The internet is clearly dominated by Google. We use a lot of their services and some of us buy advertisements from them.
Who is Google?
Google is an Internet Marketing Services Company. And it is also an advertising company. They provide a wealth of information as it relates to the Internet. Their annual revenue in 2016 was 89.5 billion Dollars. They were founded on September 4, 1998. In less than 20 years Google has become so powerful and well known that it would be very difficult to find someone on planet Earth that has not heard of them. It would be equally difficult to find a business that does not use some of the services provided by Google. They provide over 6 billion Internet searches every day for FREE! Don’t expect that to last forever. I remember when Television used to be Free. Now we all pay $100 or more every month so we can have access to Cable TV.
Information and the Internet:
Google is even used as a verb to find things online. For instance, what is Burkina Faso? “Let’s Google Burkina Faso to see what information is available!” As it turns out Burkina Faso is a land locked country in West Africa. Its size is nearly 106,000 square miles. The population is just over 17 million people. It borders six other African Countries, and the official language is French. The capital city is Ouagadougou. This is an example of what Google can produce when used as an informational query.
The Internet has become the greatest source of information in the history of the World. Google dominates as a Search Engine and controls what information you see after doing an Internet Search. Most people market their businesses on the Internet. Don’t You? I do too! Because of this, it is important that your business have a high-quality internet website. It is also important that your website contain everything that Google thinks is important. Important things like relevant key words, title tags, alt tags, images, videos, internal and external links, and quality content. These are just a few requirements. Google calls these requirements “Its Algorithm“. However, if your website provides Google with certain criteria, it will easily be found by someone who is looking for a business like yours. In other words, Plumber, Italian Restaurant, Brain Surgeon, or Automobile Mechanic could be search words used by someone looking for their services. Location can be specified as well. This process of paying attention to what Google thinks is important and it is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
Okay, so what? Why should I care about Google? I own a small business in a small town.
Who is Google, and why should I care?
You should care about Google because they are the most powerful company in the World when it comes to Marketing and Brand Awareness. As we mentioned above, they control the greatest marketing tool ever created by mankind . . . The Internet! If your business has a website, and I’ll bet it does, then you are one website out of the 960 million websites that exist on the Internet today. Simple mathematics tells us that’s it’s a 960 million to 1 shot that your website will be found. That’s not exactly the opportunity that you want to bet your business upon, is it? Me either! If you want your website to be easily found online, then you must provide Google with proper SEO.
This is the part of your website that usually requires an SEO Professional. It’s the part of this whole Internet and Website thing that drives people crazy and often upsets them. They want to do it themselves or have a friend or family member do it for Free. Unfortunately, that will rarely work effectively. Contact us or another professional today because you should care about Google!
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