Top website marketing tips are Not secrets known only to special SEO & Marketing Companies who are friends with Google and the other Search Engines. These tips or “Best Practices” for getting your website found by internet visitors are actually simple suggestions by the search engines to help them decide how to rank website pages […]
I Launched My Website Now What?
I launched my website, either for a new business, orĀ an upgrade or redesign for an existing business. So what’s next? Okay, you just paid a company to design and develop a website for your business. Or, I’ve had a website for years and it doesn’t seem to be helping to grow my business. Why isn’t […]
New Website Content Builds Traffic
New Website Content builds traffic for your website. The new content, however, must be valuable for your website visitors. If your website visitors find your website informative, interesting, entertaining, or educational they are more likely to return. On the other hand, if your website visitors find your website dull, boring, and not relevant they will […]