Website importance cannot be underestimated. If you do not give it the respect it deserves your business will suffer dramatically. Existing clients or customers know about you, but what about all the folks that have never heard of you or your business? Word of mouth advertising and referrals is truly powerful; however, it is not […]
Is Your Marketing Strategy Successful?
To help your business be successful, you should have a marketing strategy. This is not the same as a marketing plan. A marketing strategy will lay out the overall long-term goals. This would include goal-setting, researching your industry and your competitors, and your messaging for your brand. A marketing plan is more detailed outline, for […]
New Strategy for a New Year?
A New Strategy for a New Year is something you may need to consider. If you are completely satisfied with the current success of your business, then a new strategy may not be something that you need to consider. However, if you need to improve sales, increase profits, or add more customers, then you may […]