Website plugins are tiny programs that provide a specific function for a website. Very few websites exist today without plugins. There are thousands of website plugins available. The reason for them is simple. They are convenient. Once the program or “code” is written and packaged; why rewrite it every time you want to use it. A plugin can be saved and used over and over again. without having to rewrite the code. Plugins are huge time savers. Website developers all over the world use website plugins to build websites for their clients. Most are Free and they often provide a “Pro” version, or a version with additional features for a fee. Most website plugins are not expensive.
WordPress continues to dominate the website industry as the platform of choice. Therefore, the plugin developers make their plugins compatible with WordPress. Together they make a formidable software package Coupled with the highly customizable WordPress Themes it is becoming easier and faster to build an efficient and effective first class website. “New Website” quality has improved dramatically because of WordPress, WordPress Plugins, & WordPress Themes.
Popular Website Plugins;
- Akismet helps with detecting Spam on incoming comments. A huge plus on high traffic websites with active blogs and forums.
- WordFence Security as the name indicates, protects your website from hacks and malware. Very helpful indeed.
- Yoast SEO lays out a very easy to use SEO helper especially for beginners. Touches on all the key SEO components.
- Contact Form 7 is a basic and easy to use contact form builder.
- MailChimp allows you to develop email campaigns easily and look like a Pro in the process.
- WP Google Maps makes it quick and easy to add a map to your website with links, great markers, and images.
The above website plugins are all very popular. They are widely used worldwide within the website development industry. Millions upon millions of these plugins are in use today. The plugin developers are generally easily contacted. Most are delighted to chat with you about their plugin(s) and how to make them better and how they may apply to you and your business. In fact, we have connected with several developers to add features to their plugin specific to some of our clients website needs. They were happy to comply, as it benefits them as well as you, meeting the need.If you research website plugins you will be astounded at how many there are available. Check out and see for yourself! Do website plugins make websites better? YES, YES, & YES!
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