Beware of Business Vampires. They are real and will destroy your business. Business Vampires usually appear in two basic forms. The first form is an employee. The second form is a vendor. There are other forms, however, these two are the most prevalent. Are you kidding . . . business vampires . . . really? Yes really! Let’s talk about them. Let’s discuss how to identify and steer clear of their destructive capabilities. Business Vampires are dangerous to the business community at large.
Questioning how real these business vampires are? Read these other articles to satisfy your curiosity.
Most employees settle in to their jobs and perform satisfactorily. Some rare employees actually perform in a superior fashion. Then there are the employees who over time begin their destructive behavior. This behavior is often mistaken as a personality trait. It is also thought to be a character flaw. In reality, it is both plus so much more. The “so much more” is the business vampire. The “so much more” is the destructive behavior. The “so much more” is the problem. Over time this problem starts to suck the life blood out of your company. This destruction will appear in may forms. Many forms that may seem normal.
Business Vampires Employee Keys;
Other employees, management, and even the business owner may have a difficult time getting along with these destructive people. Early in the work relationship this is generally not a problem. The longer the employment lasts the more difficult the relationships become. The Vampire knows everything while the other employee’s knowledge is always inferior. Office fighting and back biting gradually begins.
- The vampire has few friends. Teamwork very gradually degrades. It’s always someone else’s fault! The vampire becomes upset when their ideas are not implemented. “The Smartest Person in the Room” is how they view themselves. The ultimate goal of these dubious personalities is to advance their careers on the backs of everyone else.
- Respect for others and their work is non-existent. Other employees or managers begin to leave because of this destructive and selfish behavior. These vampires try to make their business contributions appear to be impossible to do without. Changing to conform is not in the vampires play book. You must change to meet their requirements. Destruction is everywhere in the past of these folks. Unfortunately you did not ask for any references. Had you asked for references this probably could have been avoided.
- Remember . . . it is all about the Vampire, and your business will suffer or be destroyed until you get out the garlic and get a big wooden stake!
The vampire vendors are just as destructive as the vampire employees, however, you generally find out faster. These vendors from Hell possess many of the same characteristics as the employees. Control and money is the goal of these folks. It will be very painful if and when you establish a relationship with one of these predators. A business that has few community relationships, few employees, and few or no repeat or ongoing clients is a classic profile for being a vampire vendor.
Business Vampires Vendor Keys;
These destructive folks want to get control of your business. They want you to think that they know more about your business than you do. Gaining control of you and your business will happen if you are not aware. They are interested in getting your money. As much of your money as possible. All the time being disguised as providing you with a product or service that you can’t live without. That’s where they always take you! Always! They convince you that you will fail without them. They lie to you. They cheat you. They steal from you. They may also provide you with a product or service. Taking advice from Business Vampires is dangerous to say the least. Implementing the advice of Business Vampires is extremely dangerous. Trusting Business Vampires can be fatal.
- Here’s the hard part that you must understand. This advice in the beginning will generally be sound. They will most likely be friendly and likable. They will work hard to earn your trust. You will probably like the product or service in the beginning. Business Vampires are cleaver and normally informative right up to the point of sinking their fangs into you and your business. I promise it will hurt, and I promise you will regret the relationship. Unfortunately, it may be to late before you find out the truth. You probably have given up more money than you intended or more control than necessary. Or both!
These Business Vampires survive because most victims are embarrassed to tell anyone what they experienced. Check out anyone or any business that you are considering getting involved with. Ask for business references! Ask people that you know, what experience they have had with your prospective vendor. You may be surprised what you find out. Most people don’t like saying uncomplimentary things about others. Once asked, your friends will tell you what you want to know.
Both Vampire Employees and Vampire Vendors are able to survive because we allow them to. We take people at face value and don’t request references very often. Protect yourself and your business from these business vampires. Ask for references! Always ask for references!
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