Business Cards have the opportunity to effectively identify you and your business. The information that is provided on business cards varies from card to card. Most folks put little thought into information placed upon their business cards. Employees of a business may have little or no say as to that information. The one exception may be […]
Marketing Opportunities are Everywhere
Marketing opportunities are everywhere. Marketing is a process by which companies create interest for their goods and services. It’s all about creating interest. Wherever you live, Marketing opportunities are everywhere. They vary greatly in financial and time requirements. What is your marketing process? What marketing opportunities are you utilizing? Any of the marketing opportunities listed […]
SEO Means Follow Google Part 3
SEO means follow Google. As we have discussed in Part 1 and Part 2, Google is an Advertising Company. They provide an array of Internet Services that we enjoy almost daily. If you get Online you probably use a lot of services that Google provides for FREE or for a FEE. Google Drive, Google Search Engine, […]
Website Maintenance is a Must Do!
Website maintenance is a must do! You are making an enormous mistake if website maintenance is not a regular feature of your weekly activities. I use the word feature to emphasize the activity. If you don’t know what website maintenance is you are about to learn. If you don’t appreciate the importance of website maintenance, please […]
Great Website vs. Great Employee
A Great Website can be every bit as valuable as a Great Employee. You have got to be kidding me! Are you serious? I am NOT kidding you, and I am VERY serious. Every business today can prosper with a Great Website. Every business can prosper with a Great Employee as well. A Great Website will deliver, […]